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About Greenpower

The Greenpower electric car series is a STEM challenge for 9 to 25-year-olds to design, build and race electric 'go-karts' that race at major race circuits across the UK. It consists of many aspects such as budgeting, designing, manufacturing, and racing.

Every car has a standard 240W motor and two 12 volt car batteries to power it, so the challenge is to make the limited amount of energy that you do have last as long as possible, whilst travelling the furthest distance.

Coalescence History

Coalescence was set up in 2019 to compete in the Greenpower challenge within the F24+ category for 16-25-year-olds. Since then, the team has expanded from just 2 members to 8 members, all living in different parts of the UK.

The 2020 race season was cut short - with there only being two test events, however, Coalescence persevered and completed their first car Icarus in time for the first event, where they saw no running faults for its first outing.

Coalescence saw a successful 2021 season, seeing the return of a full race calendar. Icarus traveled 380 miles and obtain 6 podiums in all 6 races it attended.

2022 saw the launch of Coalescence's new creation, Hades. It was designed with all of the knowledge the team had gained in the previous two seasons to take on the top runners in the championship battle.


Meet The Team:


Anton Oleinik

Mathematical Modelling & Strategist  

Anton works regularly to find improvements to existing and upcoming projects which further the cars' performances. 

Proficient in Solidworks CFD computation and CAD design, he validates the ideas other team members might have to tangible results.  

Anton is a student at the University of Warwick studying Mathematics. 


Tom Evans

Construction & Photographer

Tom helped with the construction of Icarus and raced it during events in its first season. Having been here since day one, he is a big personality within the team and offers his assistance in various roles when needed. 

Best of all he is a creative photographer whose photos can be seen in the gallery. 

Currently studying Photography at Kingston University


Tom "Bongo" Peaston

Aerodynamicist & Strategist

Tom assisted with technical queries prior to developing the new car and has developed championship winning cars before joining coalescence. 

Whilst being proficient with Autodesk and Solidworks CAD software, he is now looking for a new challenge to bring the team to a championship winning position.

Tom is studying Mechanical Engineering at University of Southampton.


Jason Pope

Construction, Driver & Graphic Design

As the driver of Hades, Jason is vital to executing the team's needs out on track, responding and delivering on instructions given by Joel and Ben on the trackside. 

Jason was crucial to developing Hades, helping Joel realise and construct his vision, leading Coalescence to where we are today. 

He has graduated from Portsmouth University with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.


Joel Langridge

Designer of Icarus and Hades

Designer of both the existing cars within our team, Icarus & Hades. Joel is instrumental in the team's formation, bringing others into the fold with his first car Icarus. 

Specialising in CAD software with experience in CFD modeling, he develops unique solutions to problems the team faces.

Currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of the West of England

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Ben Hepple

Electrical Engineer

Engineer of the electrical infrastructure for Coalescence. Designer of Ajax 1 & 2, Ben specialises in power electronics and motor control theory.


Proficient in C++/C/MATLAB and Basic he develops all hardware and software solutions to squeeze every bit of performance out of the cars. 


Currently studying a Masters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Nottingham.


Heloise Coleman

Social Media and Sponsors

Heloise has responsibility for managing Coalescence social media accounts and maintaining sponsor relations. Along with this, she maintains the teams large portfolio of work to document the progress we make. 

Heloise is entering her first year at the University of Winchester studying a BA hons in musical theatre.

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©2023 by Coalescence GP  
Site photos provided by SpaceSuit Media

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